Die Jüdische Gemeinde zu Steppach

Wir laden ein zu einem Vortrag zur jüdischen Gemeinde Steppach im Kontext des Friedhofs Kriegshaber – Pfersee und der Juden von Augsburg.

Veranstaltungshinweis St. Raphael Steppach

Veranstaltungshinweis St. Raphael Steppach

Wir freuen uns sehr über Ihren Besuch

Donnerstag, 29: Oktober 2009, 20.00 Uhr  

Veranstaltungsort: Pfarrsaal St. Raphael in Steppach

Internet: www.sanktraphael.de

2 Responses to Die Jüdische Gemeinde zu Steppach

  1. yehuda says:

    Dear Judy Graff Fisher,

    from memory for now I recollect just one Mayersohn (spelling with an “a”) grave marker belonging to “Hanna Mayersohn” who died in 1833 and was buried close to the so called Obermayer family ensemble at the Jewish cemetery of Kriegshaber/Pfersee (see several reports on this weblog). And I do not know whether this grave marker is related to your request, but it seems possible. When they married it is likely that the family name was Mayersohn and a Karoline of course also may had the Hebrew name Channa/Hannah, most had two names. Do you have further names and dates what would make it easier to find correspondences?

    If my memory is correct, there still is a legible Hebrew inscription, but I don’t know the wording by heart and I will have no chance to check up any files this week, since we are preparing a travel to a conference which starts tomorrow.

  2. I am trying to find out more about my relatives, Karoline Blumenthal and Raphael Myerson, who were married in Steppach in 1817. Is there an English translation?

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